Pulse Feature: Rising Star Joshua Baraka Opens Up; Music, Studies, Family and More

Latest News | 2021-12-22

Our guest feature today is Ugandan music artist Joshua Baraka, whom critics have described as the rising star, the early morning sun for the industry, the next big thing after Mowzey Radio and Azawi and everything nice for a young budding musician whose future looks really bright.

But they’re not flattering him, and if you listen to his music you will agree. His unique style of music has set him apart in the new generation of artists in Uganda and that’s partly credited to a very rich musical background.

Baraka writes, sings, produces, plays piano and guitar, drums and is learning to play with so many other musical instruments. He has refused to associate himself with a particular music genre and insists that his music style depends on what he wants to say at that moment.

MTN Pulse caught up with him for a quick chat and below are the excerpts;

Pulse: Who is Joshua Baraka?

My name is Joshua Baraka. I am Ugandan musical artist. I am a singer and multi-instrumentalist. I went to many schools for primary but finished from Kitante Primary School. I then joined Makerere College School for my O-level and finalized my A-level at Mengo Senior School.

Pulse: When did you start singing? How did you get inspiration to kick off?

My life has always been musical thanks to my mum who was a leader in a church choir. This made me exposed to different musical concepts and singing from as long as I can remember. Finally, the urge to let my art out took over and I decided to pursue this. As plainly as that.

Pulse: Is the music industry a career choice you’d recommend young people to focus on?

I would but it’s no easy road. You will need focus, understanding of the music business, sleepless nights practicing and a great team. Plus, just as any other business it takes time and investment. So, if you have the talent and passion for it, go ahead and follow your heart.

Pulse: Are you doing anything else besides music?

At the moment I am focusing on the art and business but 2022 am surely starting music school.

Pulse: Tell us about your debut EP? How is it fairing on the market?

My debut EP is called ‘Baby Steps’. It’s a four-track project that introduces the listener to me. It has had more success than I anticipated in the time from when it was released which is August 2021 to now. It is doing well and hopefully only going higher.

Pulse: Which song off the EP has performed better than you anticipated?

“Be Me” because I initially felt like it was too personal.

Editor’s note: Baraka describes “Be Me” as; “An open letter to the world asking it to let me be me. Something we all want to say sometimes but never get the courage to.”

Pulse: What is your advice to fellow young people trying to make it in life?

A lot of things actually. Know what you want and start working towards it, the time to work is now. Have the right people around you. Do what you love. Listen to ‘Baby Steps’. [Chuckles]. Social media is not real life.

Pulse: How can you be located on social media?

I am at @itsjoshuabaraka on every social media platform. Hit me up, let’s connect.

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