Pulse Hustler: Levis Ngabirano, a Dealer in Apple Products Breaks Myths About Owning an iPhone

Latest News | 2021-09-29

Like I always say, the one thing that we should always credit our generation for, is the spirit to hustle and make ends meet.

Our generation has broken out of the traditional bondage of earning from what they studied professionally and it’s common sight to find the lawyer-doctor-engineer-accountant professionals side dealing or totally engaged in things they didn’t even study as long as they bring food to the table.

But what choice do we have? It’s either that or sitting at home sometimes and adding on country’s unemployment statistics.

Today under our Pulse Hustler segment, we feature Levis Ngabirano an accountant, businessman and CEO & founder of PhoneMart UG, located at Kooki Tower shop 463 opposite the Central Police Station (CPS).

PhoneMart UG us barely a year old as he started operations in February 2021. His business deals in apple products and accessories mainly iPhones, iPads, MacBooks and Apple watches.

For the small time his business has existed, Ngabirano has toiled to establish himself in the market and build a reputable brand with a permanent address and stock to be able to penetrate the market as a startup.

“Key to our growth so far is digital marketing and good branding. As a result, our image and reputation has consistently improved over time and we have been able to reach and serve different clientele.” He told MTN Pulse in an interview.

Being a startup business, he says that gaining trust from customers and potential clients has been a challenge because there are many counterfeit products in the market and illicit dealers in the country.

He also decries the attitude that has been built among people that the cost of apple products can only be afforded with a kidney and some body parts – talk that he rubbished as useless and misleading.

“We have tried to change the narrative by offering our clients with after sales services, return policy, flexible payment plan – ”mpola mpola plan”, pre-orders, promotions on our social handles, quick phone/dm response and having a physical location.” Ngabirano said in the interview.

The PhoneMart UG pick up point is at Kooki Tower shop 463 level 4 opposite CPS and, according to the CEO, they deliver to customers across the country.

He says that the business is currently working towards being the top plug for apple products nation wide by the end of 2021. Very ambitious if you ask me.

“With quality assurance, we hope to change the digital sector in Uganda and we have a dream to be the go-to Apple products center for all East Africans. We shall expand.” Ngabirano said.

And finally, guess what Pulsers? It’s a Wednesday and Gaga is here. For just Shs 6000 get 4.5GB of data that runs till Saturday morning. Connect with Ngabirano and PhoneMart UG on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter @PhoneMartUG

Keep up the hustle Pulsers. There’s always light at the end of the tower.

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